Elena Mannion

Raised in rural Hertfordshire, Elena Mannion spent most of her childhood outdoors, playing and connecting with the natural world.
Years of reading stories to her children and a desire to celebrate the wonder of childhood led to her highly praised debut picture book, The Happy Hedgerow, the first children’s book centred on hedgerows and the myriad life they hold! Elena’s books put nature centre stage, giving it a voice, and affirm children’s instinctive connection to it. The character of Old Oak is central to each story, bringing to life the trials and tribulations of his smaller friends – and always ending on a happy note.
Endorsed by CPRE The Countryside Charity and The Tree Council, one book became a series, all illustrated by the incredible talent that is Erin Brown. Old Oak And Little Acorn was published in 2022, and her new book Old Oak And The Wild Flowers is published this month. Elena is passionate about encouraging reading, sharing stories, reading aloud, and protecting the countryside for future generations to enjoy. She lives in a small village in North Hertfordshire.