J.S. Watts
J.S.Watts is a British poet and novelist who weaves the fantastical and the literary with other
vibrant strands to create glowing, multi-faceted writing.
Her poetry, short stories and non-fiction appear in a wide variety of publications in Britain,
Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the States and have been broadcast on BBC and
Independent Radio. She has edited various magazines and anthologies and performed her poetry
across England, Scotland and Wales, but not yet in Ireland (should anyone from Ireland be
reading this). Along the way, she has won various awards and had honourable mentions in
competitions, but nothing so outstanding that she wants to make a big thing out of it.
J.S. is the sole author of nine published books: three poetry collections, Cats and Other Myths,
Years Ago You Coloured Me and Underword, are published by Lapwing Publications, as is her
multi-award nominated SF poetry pamphlet, Songs of Steelyard Sue. Her poetry pamphlet, The
Submerged Sea, was published by Dempsey & Windle. Her novels, A Darker Moon – dark
fiction, Witchlight, Old Light and Elderlight – an urban fantasy trilogy, are published in the US
and UK by Vagabondage Press.
For further details see her website:
www.jswatts.co.uk and also Facebook : www.facebook.com/J.S.Watts.page