Zoe Jasko

Hello! My name is Zoë Jasko, and I am a writer and performer. I live in Hertfordshire with my husband and four children. I am a trained singer, and I am co-founder and creative director of Hertfordshire based Felici Opera.

I love telling stories and creating characters, whether that’s on the page or on the stage. It makes me happy to bring them alive to you in talks and readings. My first book, What the Wind Saw:Short Stories from the Heart of Hertfordshire was published in 2022. It is a collection of stories inspired from my walks in the countryside around where I live.

My second book, my debut novel, Hope is Daffodil Bright is a second world war book, inspired by a box of letters from soldiers I inherited from my grandmother who ran the WVS canteen in Grantchester near Cambridge.

I’ll be bringing my third book to the Festival, A Portrait of My Pet, a collection of stories, inspired by paintings of imaginary pets.

I will be on the stand of publishers The Endless Bookcase.

